Tribes of Midgard: How to use Bifrost

The Bifrost in Tribes of Midgard is an important puzzle part when it comes to achieving meaningful progress in the game. Although it may not be known immediately, as if or when to use the bifrost, this guide explains everything you need to know about the use of the Bifrosts in Tribes of Midgard.

How to use the bfrost in the trunks of Midgard

If you start TRIBES OF MIDGARD in a specific round, the BiFrost is actually not available. You must reach at least the third day to use the bifrust, and you must defeat the huge boss that appears on this day. As soon as you have defeated this boss, the Bifrost is available.

Where is the bifrust

The bifrust can be found on the world map and is displayed by a symbol. It looks like a crown. The exact location of the Bifrost changes from game to game, but it is almost always near the village.

When should you use the bifrust?

The bifrost essentially allows you to end the game prematurely and save all the progress you have made. If it becomes more difficult with each round to defend the village, it is advisable to take the earned golden horns and to finish the game prematurely. You can then take these horns and use them to buy different upgrades or items. Remember when the village falls, you lose your progress. Therefore, the use of the bifrust is leaving the key to further progress in the game.

That's all you need to know about the use of the Bifrosts in Tribes of Midgard. Further information about the game can be found in our current Tribes of Midgard-Review.

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