How to solve puzzles with a telescope in Tower of Fantasy

Traveling along Aida in Tower of Fantasy, you will face various puzzles. Often the solution is easy to determine, but some of them can be difficult to understand. This includes Smart Telescope. This may make you think about the completion of smart telescopes in Tower of Fantasy.

What to do with smart telescopes in Tower of Fantasy

Smart telescopes are a type of puzzle with research points in Tower of Fantasy, first found in Navia. To solve this puzzle, you must connect in points constellations to form the corresponding constellation. There are various types of constellations, so your solution will be differ . There is also a reset button if you need to start again.

Smart telescopes usually reward you with a black or gold core. They are also taken into account in your research glasses in this region. This makes the solution to these puzzles standing as for awards as well as for completion .

You may need several attempts to solve this point of research, but you must fulfill them all to get their awards and fill out the total number of studies of each region. Continue to try solutions until you solve all the puzzles with the telescope in Tower of Fantasy.

Tower To obtain additional information about Tower of Fantasy, read the sections How to solve the puzzles of Splice Metal Box in Tower of Fantasy and How to solve Earthphyte puzzles in Tower of Fantasy in Pro game guides.
