Emote in front of a camera at Believer Beach or Lazy Lake - Fortnite Quest Guide

A new fortnite challenge requires you to run an emote at Believer Beach or Lazy Lake in front of a camera, and we have your back with two cards that lead you exactly where you have to go. If you complete this quest of the 8th week, you will receive 30,000 EP for the Battle Pass of the 7th season, so do not miss a simple experience.

Although there are two places where you can master this challenge, but you only need to visit one of them to do it. Both cameras are relatively easy to find so that the place you visit is only your preference. Learn here where you can make an emote at Believer Beach or Lazy Lake in Fortnite in front of a camera.

Location of the Believer Beach Camera

The Believer Beach camera is located on the right of the pier on the beach. It sits next to an umbrella, before posing two cardboard cuts. Just use any emota while standing in front of the camera to master this challenge. Look at the above map if you have problems to find it.

Location of the Lazy Lake Camera

The Lazy Lake camera is located next to the pool outside the southeastern house. In front of this camera, two cardboard cutouts also pose, only these two loungencies by the pool instead of dancing. Use any emota in front of the camera to complete this quest.

If you complete this quest, you will be rewarded with 30,000 XP. This week there are some other challenges, and there are even the RIFT Tour quests that are available in addition to the usual weekly challenges. You must also find a Ferrari 296 GTB if you missed the challenges of last week.

Fourteen days is now available for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X | S, Nintendo Switch and mobile devices.

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